How Can We Help?



Validity is a decentralized blockchain service provider utilizing a modified Proof-Of-Stake utility token to deliver services that enhance security, productivity, and organizational transparency.  We are building a suite of decentralized services to assist in fostering the trust and security that the Internet lacks in order to allow innovation to flourish in today’s complex environment. In our modern environment, it can be difficult to  differentiate fake content, spam, and bots from real people.  Validity provides a platform where users can use cryptographic proofs to positively identify themselves while interacting online. The growing list of blockchain secured functions available to Validity users include cryptographically managed Identities, public voting, file signatures and proof-of-ownership, and immutable text notes.

Want all the details? Read our white paper.

Identity Management

Validity Identities allow users to manage their own online presence in a way that provides a historical record of their activities secured in the blockchain in order to establish a pattern of trusted behavior.  After creating an identity, a user can use that identity with all other Validity functions, including file signing and voting. Whenever you participate in a vote, sign a file, or do any other of a number of things using the Validity platform, a record of your actions is created and recorded in the Validity blockchain.

File Signing

File signatures enable verification, ownership, and integrity checking of most internet content, including programs, pictures, downloads, journalistic works, and research data. Download providers and digital media distributors can sign their offerings, allowing customers to verify the received files are genuine and have not been altered by malicious actors in the delivery process.  Authors and artists can sign a digital version of their work, enabling them to prove at a later date that they were the original creators.


Using a combination of Blockchain technology and asymmetric key pair identity management, Validity voting provides a transparent, integrated, and easily validated voting platform for multi-person decision making.  By leveraging Blockchain technology, Validity Voting bypasses common shortcomings of traditional voting systems including recounts, challenges, double voting, and fraud. All election data and votes are recorded on-chain, allowing for near-time observation, counting, and verification by any third party running the SmartChain application.

Text Notes

Text Notes allows short texts to signed, time-stamped, and permanently inserted into the Validity blockchain.  Notes have been used for recording predictions, creating memorials, and many other purpose requiring public, verifiable text.


Staking is the process by which the Validity Core blockchain is secured and new tokens are generated. Staking is the Proof-Of-Stake equivalent of mining, for Proof-Of-Work coins. Validity wallets around the world work together to ensure the security and stability of the Validity network, and are rewarded for their efforts with newly created Validity tokens.


Validity is funded by the Validity Development Fund. This fund is comprised of a multi-signature address with keys held by developers and long term supporting community members. A small percentage of all tokens generated by the network are deposited into this fund on a weekly basis.