Installing the Radium Core Wallet

Browse to the location of the downloaded wallet file and double-click either the EXE (Windows) or the DMG (Mac), depending on your operating system. Linux users will need to compile the wallet separately, which we will discuss later on. For Windows users, you may be prompted by Windows Firewall to allow the application to run [...]

Installing the Radium Core Wallet2019-04-04T16:11:20-04:00

Downloading the Radium Core Wallet

You can download the latest version of the RadiumCore wallet from our official website here: Select the appropriate download option for your operating system, and save the file to your preferred location.

Downloading the Radium Core Wallet2019-04-04T16:09:45-04:00

Restoring a Backup of Your Wallet

Close your wallet if it is running. Press the Windows Key +R to open the Run dialogue. Type in %Appdata% and hit Enter. A window will open and you should see a folder entitled “radium.” Double click to enter that folder and you will see a file called “wallet.dat” Best practice is to rename this [...]

Restoring a Backup of Your Wallet2019-04-04T16:08:53-04:00

Creating a Backup of Your Wallet

From the topmost navigation, select File. Click on Backup Wallet. Select a destination to save your wallet and save it. NOTE: Any time you generate a new wallet address, you must create a new backup. In fact, we recommend periodic backups just in case since sending Radium can also result in new addresses. Store the [...]

Creating a Backup of Your Wallet2019-04-04T16:08:15-04:00

Unlocking your Wallet – Required for Staking/Sending RADS

Unlocking your wallet is required for both Staking and sending RADS. Simply go to Settings (along the top navigation of the wallet). Then click Unlock Wallet. The following window will pop up: Enter your passphrase. Now, if you are attempting to stake your current holdings, it is recommended that you check the box “For Staking [...]

Unlocking your Wallet – Required for Staking/Sending RADS2019-04-04T16:07:53-04:00
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