

Since 2014, Validity–formerly known as RadiumCore–has been empowering individuals to build trust within their digital footprint. Via our Elections Governance Protocol, we have evolved and stood the test of time as an ever growing community of individuals seeking immutable, verifiable, and accessible blockchain access.

Validity is a decentralized blockchain service provider utilizing a modified Proof-Of-Stake utility token to deliver services that enhance security, productivity, and organizational transparency. We are building a suite of decentralized services to assist in fostering the trust and security that the Internet lacks in order to allow innovation to flourish in today’s complex environment. In our modern era, it can be difficult to differentiate fake content, spam, and bots from real people. Validity provides a platform where users can use cryptographic proofs to positively identify themselves while interacting online. The growing list of blockchain secured functions available to Validity users include cryptographically managed Identities, public voting, file signatures and proof-of-ownership, NFTs, virtualized worlds, and immutable text notes.

Purchase VAL




The Validity blockchain is one of the most capable, multi-faceted platforms available to date. Not only have we been working to deliver for our clients for over 5 years, but we are pushing the boundaries of blockchain tech and applicability. For more information, please check out our White Paper.
Blockchain Identity and Access Management

Blockchain Identities are the core principle on which Validity is built. An identity links your demographic information to a set of public-private Validity keys, and records this information in the blockchain. Once recorded, a Blockchain identity can be used with all other Validity functions, including file signing and voting.

Validity Blockchain Identities allow your actions to be linked back to you. Perhaps you draw up some plans for a new mousetrap, and you want everyone to know that YOU had the idea first. Maybe you want to prove at a later date that you voted in favor of a particular proposal. Perhaps, you want to predict the outcome of a sporting event, and be able to prove that you did so, and then show at a later date that the prediction was correct. Validity’s Blockchain Identity is your answer.

Whenever you participate in a vote, sign a file, or do any other of a number of things using the Validity platform, a record of your actions is created and recorded in the Validity blockchain. This record is public and permanent “paper” trail, that can be viewed and validated by everyone.

Digital signatures in Blockchain

Valdity Digital Signature is the next generation of file ownership and authenticity verification. Digital Signature allows a user to mark particular files as official or valid, or to prove they had ownership or access to a file at a particular time. Developers, authors, and other content generators can use Validity Digital Signature to protect their users and customers from malicious manipulation of downloads and other transmitted files. Upon receipt of a file or download, clients can independently check the file against the known checksum and signatures recorded in the Validity blockchain.

For End Users

Traditional methods of validating a file download are cumbersome and rarely used. To perform traditional verification, a user must find a program to generate a hash and then manually compare the result with the hash provided by the publisher. Validity can perform the same verification with the added security of blockchain within seconds. There is no need to worry about selecting the correct type of checksum, or manually comparing the results; all the hard work is done automatically with minimal user effort. Users can know in seconds the origin of a file, who produced it, when, and if any tampering had occurred.

For Content Providers

Today’s cyber-threat landscape poses a difficult challenge for all organizations that need to prioritize safely and efficiently distribute their software. Security compromises can seriously damage an organization’s reputation, and can result in a lack of trust and loss of users. With the ability to verify hashes in the Validity Blockchain Digital Signature, users can ensure that they only open files signed by a reputable identity, and reject files that may be malicious or compromised.

Blockchain Voting

From the time voting was first Introduced in Greece by Cleisthenes in 508 BC, through today, voting has served as the cornerstone of the democratic decision making process. Unfortunately, many voting systems have been difficult to secure and scale, leading to modern recounts, contested results, and accusations of fraud. Now, 2526 years after the first known vote, Validity is happy to announce Validity elections, a blockchain based voting platform designed to restore confidence, transparency, and integrity to the voting process.

Using a combination of Blockchain technology and asymmetric key pair identity management, Validity voting provides a transparent, integrated, and easily validated voting platform for multi-person decision making.  By leveraging Blockchain technology, Validity Voting bypasses common shortcomings of traditional voting systems including recounts, challenges, double voting, and fraud. All election data and votes are recorded on-chain, allowing for near-time observation, counting, and verification by any third party running the SmartChain application.

Validity elections are designed for applications ranging from project management and club votes, to political elections and shareholder voting. We at Validity believe that simple, reliable and secure voting systems are a cornerstone of free governance. The Validity Elections platform will be available to anyone who has registered an identity on the Validity SmartChain. While the development team will be using this platform for Validity blockchain and SmartChain governance, everyone can hold an election, on any topic or for any purpose, at anytime.

Blockchain Text Notes

Placing text into a blockchain is not a novel idea. Having a platform that makes it simple and easy is! Via the Validity Zero Client, users can insert small text notes directly into the Validity blockchain. The process is accessible, simple, and cost efficient, requiring a minor amount of Validity coin (VAL) to fuel the network transaction. Notes can be used to make predictions, endearments, or any other type of public statement that need both security and immutability. Users are also granted the assurance of longevity and disaster prevention. As blockchain technology is inherently decentralized and peer to peer, any and all data stored on the Validity blockchain cannot be destroyed unless the entire Validity global network experiences a cataclysmic event.

Hypothetical Use Case: Let’s say you have written a new, totally original play and want to ensure that you have a record of exactly when it was created, by whom, where it was written, etc. Technically, you could email it to yourself or have a notary sign something or even take some photos. But, all of those methods allow for potential modification and tampering, even if it would be rather difficult to accomplish. Blockchain technology eliminates this possibility entirely. So recording your play to the Validity Blockchain via the Smart Chain Zero Client–coupled with your very own decentralized identity–would provide the highest levels of immutable validation proving ownership without any room for someone to question authenticity. It really is the defacto way to store data when immutability is paramount.

Staking your Validity Coins

Staking coins is the process by which Validity network grows and secures its blockchain. Instead of mining, Validity uses a custom-hybrid Blackcoin More POSv3 protocol for generating new blocks/coins. Staking requires a balance of Validity coins in the wallet, in order to stake. The larger the balance, the more stake-weight, or staking power the wallet has, and the more often your wallet will generate blocks. There is no minimum amount of coins required to stake, however very small balances may not generate a reward for months or even years. Staking requires that the wallet be kept open, and unlocked for staking. Wallets that are closed or not connected to the network are unable to stake and generate new coins.

NFTs & The Metaverse

Validity was among one of the very first platforms to offer Non-Fungible Assets under the guise of “Custom Assets and Groups.” We’ve since revamped our platform to support the current NFT landscape and are actively developing protocols for future metaverse integration. The scope of this venture is profound and our team is working diligently to bring it to fruition.



The term staking represents the process of validating transactions on the Validity network in order to ensure that it is secure. In return for work, stakers are rewarded with newly generated Validity coins.

Network Specifications

  • Maximum Supply: 9 Million VAL

  • Block Time: 60 Seconds

  • POS Reward: 0.485 VAL/block

  • Block Maturity: 120 Blocks

  • Min Stake Age: 6 Hours

  • Daily Generation: ~720 VAL

  • RPC Port: 27913


Validity Platform is not only immensely powerful but is also incredibly efficient. In fact, the entire software infrastructure is so well built that it can operate in full on a Raspberry Pi. That’s right, you can deploy a fully functionality Validity Staking Node with Zero Client API’s right from the comfort of your Pi. And thanks to the support of our community, we’ve made it even easier to begin deploying VAL nodes by providing a prebuilt Docker instance.

To get started now with a Validity Docker deployment, please click here.



If you are new to Validity, be sure to read our Basic Setup Guide or the Technical Overview and White Paper if you want to dig deeper. If you are downloading the Validity binaries, please follow these Binary Verification steps to verify the checksums. And with Validity being 100% open-source, if you would like to contribute in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Zero Client


Welcome to blockchain accessibility! Here you can test drive the Validity SmartChain Zero Client. Please bear in mind that we’re still in beta, so if you do encounter any bugs, please let us know via our Bug Report form. We hope you enjoy your ZC experience and look forward to your feedback!



Need to ask a question? Found a bug that you’d like to report? Just have a general inquiry? Feel free to fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you in a timely manner.